Frequently asked questions

Questions about our products

1What kinds of writing services do you provide?
We provide primarily academic writing services. This includes essays, research papers, lab reports, and term papers. We also help students with admissions and scholarship essays. Graduate students frequently come to us for help with dissertation and thesis work. Finally, we also provide resume and CV writing services, along with business content writing.
2How Long Does it Take to Finish a Writing Project?
This depends. A basic homework assignment might take less than an hour. Thesis and doctoral dissertation services may take several months. Likewise, editing a resume will go much faster than writing one from scratch. When you place your order we will try to provide you with as accurate a time estimate as possible.
3What About Editing And Proofreading?
We are happy to provide proofreading and editing services. In most cases the turnaround time on these is quite rapid.
4Who do You Write For?
We write primarily for secondary, college and university level students. This includes students pursuing high-level degrees. We also write for business professionals and job seekers.

Questions about Essays Answer

1Can I request revision?
Yes, you can request a revision for your essay free without any other cost incurred. Our support is always available 24/7 to attend our esteem customers.
2Can you guarantee plagiarism free papers
We use the plagiarism tools, checkers, like Turnitin and safe-assign to make sure that our papers are 100% original.
3Is my confidentiality guaranteed?
We value your data. In fact, we don’t need much of your personal details, and the information we receive from you will be stored carefully. Our company is extremely efficient in guarding the privacy of our clients.
4Are writers available 24/7?
Our teams are always available all the time to deliver on your order and revision

Questions about discounts and pricing

1Are price negotiable?
As a general rule, they are not negotiable. We post our prices on our website. When you complete an order form, you will be informed of your final cost. However, we do accept specialized requests for writing services. In these instances, we will work with the customer to come to an agreement on a fair price.
2How much is the cost per paper?
The cost per paper vary in terms of number of pages, time and technicality of the paper but generally our prices are affordable to our clients
3Are price negotiable?
Absolutely! Please check out our discounts page or speak to one of our representatives. We can also send you information about special discount offers. Chances are good that if you place an order with us right now, there is a discount you can apply to your order.

Questions about our team

1How do I contact In case I have a query?
Our support team is always available 24/7 and they respond to your queries within minutes, In case you have complaint regarding the paper written by our experts or any other question they are always at your service.
2Can I request a specific expert?
Yes, you can and they will handle your order perfectly.
3How do you recruit your experts
Our expert come from different professional background, they undergo a very rigorous process and selection to make sure we have the best in the industry.